Representing the professional firefighters of Billerica, Massachusetts Affiliated with the International Association of Fire Fighters AFL-CIO

Protecting those who protect you.





Joe Brangwynne


Frank Rao

Vice President

Dan Coneeny

Secretary Treasurer

What is a labor union?

A labor union is an organization of workers joined to improve their working conditions. The union serves as an intermediary between the employer and the employees.

What have unions done for me?

Unions advocated for EVERYONE having weekends off, employer paid health insurance, overtime pay, lunch breaks, parental leave, anti-discrimination protections, and more.

Who is protecting you?

National standards require a minimum of 4 firefighters on each apparatus (NFPA 1710). How many firefighters are on your closest fire engine?

Local 1495 Charitable Association

Your firefighters voluntarily manage a charity that donates back to the community each year. A few annual contributions include donations to the Yankee Doodle fireworks, the Council on Aging summer cookout, Gerard Jacobs Jamboree, KMC Golf Tournament (Kristen Corbett Scholarship), and many, many more!

Current firefighter issues

Firefighter staffing is among the most critical issues facing our members. Fire engine pumps require 1 firefighter actively operates them at all times. Current staffing policy commonly operates fire engines with only 2 firefighters – leaving only 1 firefighter to perform search and rescue when seconds count.

How many fires are there in Billerica?

According to the most recent records available on the Town of Billerica website, in 2022 there were 51 building fires, 38 brush fires, 197 vehicle crashes, 23 car fires, 18 hazardous materials leaks/spills. and 4 natural gas leaks.